ANZ Raranga

ANZ Raranga is an award winning, five level commercial office workplace at Sylvia Park for around 1000 contact centre and regional banking staff. This building is deliberately intended not to reflect a traditional corporate workplace, so we were thrown a couple of unique requests; including the installation of over 50 panels of custom laminated broadreeded glass panels to the office partitions. A different approach to traditional commercial manifestations, turning the glass obscure with a bright, light scattering effect. The textured, broad-reeded vertical lines blend with the modern-retro garden centric style perfectly.

We installed a sweeping frameless glass balustrade to the platform and down a wide tiered staircase creating a large, stylish and functional grandstand space with great energy. The balustrade was made from 21.52mm thick Toughened/Laminated Sentry Glass and fixed using the Pradis Clamp system with use of brackets to achieve the towering enclosure on the stairway and channel on the void platform, which in some areas the glass was over 1600mm above floor level. A fascia was installed over the fixings to create an 'embedded glass' appearance. A high-end home away from home, the ANZ Raranga build really ensures the staff feel a part of something special.
